
Amos, Jonah, & Micah is unavailable, but you can change that!

Throughout the Old Testament, Yahweh drew his prophets from the most unlikely circumstances. The minor prophets Amos, Jonah, and Micah were each called out of their ordinary lives to deliver timely messages—both to their original audiences and for us, today. While they’re each unique, these three biblical books can be connected by the theological themes of divine justice, mercy, judgment, and...

current context. Hyatt does not clearly explain why he eliminates the second option, but he does. And he eliminates the first option since there is another, more common word for “humble” (עָנִי) that the author could have used to express the meaning of “humble.” Thus he concludes that the fourth option, “skill,” is intended in the Micah passage.47 One problem with his elimination of options is that eliminating an option because the author could have used another word with that meaning unnecessarily
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